Thursday, June 14, 2007

Last Blog Ever!

So, as this year is ending, I would like to talk about one very important thing...... hopelessness. This is one major feeling that Winston has in 1984. He feels like he can't do anything to save his country, his girlfriend or himself. He is completely trapped by the government and he has no way to escape. Even when he thinks he is safe in the apartment above the antique shop, he is being watched. This is also a major connection to our lives. Everybody can relate to feeling hopeless in some way. This is just one thing that we have to watch out for. It is one thing just feeling overwhelmed or whatever with life, but totally another being completely hopeless and helpless, having no freedom at all. That is why people should read this book. Simply that.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Last of Orwell

Orwell is one strange bird. The things he thinks up in his head! I've finished the book, and as I think about it... I see how it can be compared to our world of media and celebrities. At the end of the book, Winston makes a... curious realization, which I think can be compared to desensitization to violence. When you grow up in a world where you are constantly seeing violence and sex and drugs, you aren't as bothered by it after a while. Once Winston is captured, he is completely changed, and desensitized in a way. He is physically unable to go against the Party anymore, and he isn't as bothered by things. He loves BB.
It is the same with video games and such things. If you watch and play that stuff, it doesn't bother you after a while. You start to like it.
I don't know what Orwell was basing it off of, but it was probably TV and how it was becoming popular.
I just hope we don't go too far.... I for one don't like Big Brother.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Reflection- Blog Session #1

So, our conversation was pretty good, considering any computer trouble we had. After we all finally logged in (Ya, I had a little trouble with that...) our discussion really took off. A lot of interesting questions were asked, like, "what do you think is the scarriest part of this government and lifestyle?" Our conversation could have gone deeper on some topics, but for our first time blogging, it was pretty good. In our in class discussion, we made up for any missed opportunities for discussion. We asked eachother questions about the types of oppression used in 1984, and clarifying questions. We also discussed our final project and anything in the book that may be an interesting symbol or something that we should include in our project. We used scenes, general topics and themes from the book more than actual passages or quotes. The connection between V for Vendetta and 1984 was discussed a little more. I enjoyed the discussion about the 2 minutes of hate the most. Our discussion made me think more about the thought police. I'm not really sure what I think they do to read people's minds. It is a mysterious topic.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

1984, blog one

Orwell is insane. 1984 is really creepy, but the foreshadow is really interesting. Winston trusts O'Brian so quickly, when he has no proof that he is on his side. I have a feeling that O'Brian is not going to be so nice to him later.